Thursday, March 15, 2007


My good friend Courtney let me borrow her Bumbo to see if Kenadee would enjoy it. She did great in it, and I am sold on this product! It is so fun to set her up next to me while I wash dishes, or put her in the middle of the dinner table when Ben and I are eating. For those of you with little ones, this is a great product!


Blacks said...

haha that picture is the cutest!! I think she likes it!

pepper said...

I love the bumbo...Mark keeps asking almost everyday if Oslo is big enough yet...I have visions of him sitting in it one week through church.

Courtney said...

I am so glad it works for her!!!! She looks so so cute in it!

Keep it as long as you need.

Chapman Family said...

Bumbo's look so cool!! And that picture is clasic!! Look at her face, she is in total concentration. I'm LOVING that hat and dress combo too. Adorable!

Annie said...

Yeah we borrowed our friend's Bumbo when Vance was that age too. We put him in the seat naked one day and he started smiling a ton...he seriously looked like Budda!