Bennett Otis Mishler joined our family December 14th at 4:41pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 3.6 oz and was 21 inches long. He had a full head of dark hair and perfect little features! We are so excited to have him join our family!! The delivery went very smooth, thank goodness for epidurals! I was so grateful to have my sister Heidi here!
He came out and hardly cried at all! This kid already has such a sweet disposition.
Tuesday morning I woke up wondering if my water had broke durning the night. There wasn't any gush, just a slow and steady leak. I was unsure so I took Ben to work and told him to keep his phone on him. I went home, showered and got my hospital bag together, then I called my sister-in-law Cindy who said she thought I should go to the hospital. I wasn't sure because I wasn't having consistant contractions. It was so much more obvious with my other two pregnancies that it was time to go to the hospital. I also called the doctors office and they said to go to the hospital. The worst that would happen is that they send me home. I went and picked up Ben and we went to the hospital. It was about 9:30am. When we got there they said they had to check to see if there was amniotic fluid present. If so they would admit me and then start patosin to get labor going. Well it was my water breaking! I was admitted. I asked if I could have an epidural before they started the patossin. (My experience with Benson taught me this!) Once everything was started it was just a waiting game. I was exhausted and completely relaxed from the drugs, so I slept off and on until about 4pm. At that time Ben wanted to run home and grab Heidi, so he asked if the nurse could come check my progress. I was dialated to an 8 1/2 and 100% effaced. The nurse Lauren called the doctor who came in to check on me. He said ok when you feel pressure give me a call again. Well as he was walking out the door I felt something. I asked Lauren to check and sure enough the head was in place ready to come out. The doctor came right back in. The first push brought out the head and the second the body! At this point they asked Ben to announce the baby's gender. It was a boy!! We were thrilled. He was healthy and perfect! They put him on my chest right away and the sweet boy let out just one little cry then just hung out while he was wiped down and cleaned up. As for me there were no tears at all! This by far was my easiest delivery!!
oh yeah! we are so happy for you! So all your kids have been born in different states!? Are you going to keep that up!?
Congrats! What a beautiful family you have. And what a woman you don't even look like you just had a baby in those pictures... your hair is perfect.
The perfect delivery! Love it!
Glad it all went smoothly and that you have a sweet, new boy to add to your adorable family.
And just as a side note, you look way too good for just having had a baby! :)
Love to you all!
Heathe, I'm so happy for you. Congrats on a beautiful baby boy. I keep thinking about calling you. I will soon. Loves!
Congrats Heather! I'm so glad your delivery was easy. Wish we could be there to meet the little guy. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas!
I didn't even know number 3 was on his way! Congratulations! We love the name Bennett... Brett and Nadine just had a little guy last month and named him Bennett too. You look beautiful in all the pictures.
Yay! You deserved an easy delivery after Benson's! So glad he's here and hope your recovery and all that is just as easy :) He's adorable!
WOW!!! He is sooo cute!!! Congrats!!! We miss you guys... Hope you are enjoying the cold. Hugs!!! The Moore's
So happy for you!! He's adorable! I love new babies at Christmas time!
Congrats I am so happy it went well. And another boy how fun. My heart aches when I see you guy's i miss you all so much. Good Luck with everything tell Cindy and Dave we said Hello
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