Thursday, August 9, 2007

Super Surprise

Yesterday Ben called me up at lunch to see if I could find a babysitter for the night. My wonderful friend Stephanie was with me at the time and volunteered to watch Kenadee. Ben wouldn't tell me what he had planned until we were in the car. Once we were on our way, he told me we were going to the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill Soul2Soul concert! Hello, what a great surprise from a super husband!

This is us at the concert.

This is the vehicle we drove to the concert in San Jose. Thanks Krommenhoeks for driving!
This is part of our group. The three couples who rode in the blue machine! (Jamie and Dallas Krommenhoek, Tyson and Courtney Davis, Ben and me, Eryn and Paul Rogers were also there along with a cute couple from the Davis's ward.)


Sheri said...

how fun I bet it was a great concert! What a great suprise.

Courtney said...

I am so so jelous! Way to go Ben, Conrad could learn a few points from him:)

That is so fun, I bet it was such a great concert! Yeah for you guys!

Kellie Knapp said...

What a good husband!!!!! yeah ben! brownie points! :)

Anonymous said...

How Fun Cameron andI have never been to a concert

Christina said...

That's such a cute surprise! It sounds like you had a lot of fun.

Racheal said...

how fun!! I bet it was fun to go with good friends too!

Todd and Ashley said...

That is so nice of Ben to surprise you to a fun concert. You two need date time so I bet that was a lot of fun.

Peterson Family said...

Maybe it's just me, but I swear in that picture, all three of you girls look like you could be sisters?! :) Sounds like that concert was a blast!! Good on ya Ben!