He did it! Ben graduated from dental school. We are so proud of him for working so hard. Ben is a wonderful husband and an excellent daddy. He was great at balancing home life with school work. What a relief it is to say that the school part is over! Great job love!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Dr. Ben Mishler
Posted by
12:22 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
18 Months
Kenadee is 18 months today! I can't believe how quickly time goes by. We are loving this cute little girl. She is such a joy to Ben and I. She is currently very into Elmo, she loves driving through tunnels and will eat any and every kind of berry. She attempts to say everything, sometimes it comes out clear, sometimes not. :) Happy 18 months Kena-girl!!
Posted by
11:50 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Utah Trip
This is another post with a ton of pictures!
We just got back from a trip to Utah filled with fun, friends and family! We went out for two of our friends weddings an were blessed to see and do so much else. Unfortunately we forgot our camera for the first wedding, which is so sad because the bride was stunning and the groom was dashing! One of Ben's best buddies from high school, Dustin McGee, got married to the beautiful Kassie Chapman. The sealing was inspirational! We are so excited for these two!
This first picture is of Kena on the plane, she loved hanging out down at Ben's feet. The second is of the HUGE slide that she loved going down by herself!
These are my dear friend Megann's cute girls Libby and Lainey. We were fortunate enough to meet up with them for dinner and swimming in Salt Lake!
This is Kena with my cousins Tanner and Kristin's cute baby Maci. She is the most well tempered adorable little girl! Next is my cousin Tiff who I love and admire for being such an amazing person! I've always looked up to her.
We stayed at my grandparents house, where Kenadee found some fun entertainment. First of all the exercise trampoline, second the shower stall. Why this was so fun I'll never understand!
These are my adorable grandparents who took such great care of us while we were there! My grandma is a great cook and spoiled us with yummy meals for the whole week! We were also able to meet up with the super cute Erin Johansen for ice cream.
Ben had to leave Utah early to get back to school, so I was alone with Kena for a week. I love my baby but she decided that this was a great time to get extra clingy to mom. I was extremely relieved when we met up with Stephanie and MaKenzie Chappell in Provo. Kena was so happy to see familiar faces and I was grateful for the break! Steph's cute dad and mom insisted on watching our girls so we could have a much needed day off! We were able to go to the Park City outlets, spend a ton and have a yummy lunch at the Heber Dairy Keen. It was so fun! Thanks a ton Steve and Barbara!

The second reception I went out there for was Stephanie Henry's. Steph was my first college roomate in Provo and such a dear friend. It was so fun to see her so happy! She looked gorgeous, of course, and her new man Trent was wonderful! At her reception I was able to meet up with a bunch of friends from the Carriage Cove days. I love these guys and girls!

Congrates Kellie on your beautiful little girl, and Sami we are so excited for your new addition to arrive!

It was a great trip filled with fun! Thanks to everyone we got to see and hang out with. I wish I would have taken more pictures, I guess there's always next time!
Posted by
3:24 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monterey Bay Aquarium
A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of going to the Monterey Aquarium with our good friends the Elliots. We had a great time! Kenadee and Oslo loved every minute of it. Kenadee couldn't hardly be pulled away from the fish. Thanks tons Elliots for inviting us!!
Posted by
11:06 PM
New Do
I recently went in for a quick trim, but decided to chop my hair again! I am addicted to short hair.
Posted by
11:03 PM